What is discover first?
Our Discover First class is a great way for you to find out more information about Cartersville First Baptist Church!
In addition to finding out about us, attending the class is the first step to becoming a member of CFBC.
Class size is limited and registration is required for those interested in attending the class.
If you have questions, please contact Ann Eubanks 470-227-7699 or aeubanks@cartersvillefirst.com.
We currently offer Discover First classes each month. The class is open to adults and their children age middle school and up. For children younger than middle school, visit our Kids Ministry for information on the "Now That I Am A Christian" for membership information.
At our Discover First Class, we are excited to share
the following with you about our CFBC family:
Hear the vision for Cartersville First Baptist Church
Learn about the beliefs and ministries at Cartersville First Baptist Church
Find out where you fit in - and what is expected of you
See how Cartersville First Baptist will help you develop spiritually in your walk with Christ
If you're interested in attending our next class,
please click the link below.